Dandelion Wellness, LLC
A Holistic Healing Center

Intuitive Coaching Sessions


Anna is a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner and gifted intuitive energy healer with a heart to heal. 

Anna works with your body and energy field to bring balance and healing.  By gauging your energy and emphasizing emotional and spiritual healing, these sessions can help clients release the blockages that keep them from moving forward.

What is Coaching? Coaching is similar to going to a counseling session combined with a private healing class all in one. In coaching sessions you are counseled, intuitively guided, encouraged, inspired, and taught how to improve your own ability to access your own inner wisdom.

What can Coaching help?

-when you are in need of greater balance in your life,

-needing help with relationship issues,

-or simply feeling ready for a personal or professional breakthrough in manifesting your goals and making dreams come true.


The coaching process helps clients achieve personal and professional goals faster and with more ease than would otherwise be possible. These sessions can also be used to help you integrate the wisdom and guidance received in a reading with Anna by gaining insight to energetic blocks and help with healing and releasing them. 

Coaching sessions with Anna can help you holistically achieve personal and professional mastery. Sessions can also include coaching and consulting on health, healing, life purpose and spiritual development of all kinds.

Sessions are $100/ hr. Packages are available for those looking to work with Anna for a period of time as well.